
As a nurse I have encountered people with Alopecia on my 29 years in hospital based nursing.

I mostly met my patients with it in the Maternity section in my 20 years of midwifery.

For the most part the hair loss recovered after the baby was born.
Alopecia is something I meet on a monthly basis in my Microblading
clinics - mostly unexplained.

Glasses replace contact lens, wigs replace head hair loss
and Microblading on the eyebrows becomes part of
'living with Alopecia'.

Health Insurance Claims

Medical Health Insurance Claims:

We have good news for Laya Healthcare members. If you have Alopecia and are member of Laya Healthcare health insurance - the news is out! As of April 1st 2023 Laya Healthcare released it’s new product development cover for their members who have Alopecia, and now covers some benefit towards your new tattoo eyebrows with Browtique Ireland. The HIA (Health Insurance Association) press announcement has been made.

As always, before you make your appointment with Browtique Ireland, reach out to Laya Healthcare first to explore the benefit you can receive, as each plan has different benefit amounts and when exactly you can benefit in your yearly plan. Check if you benefit right away or at your annual roll over payment.

All about Alopecia

During my training it was reiterated that eyebrow tattoo retention on clients with Alopecia gives varied results .
The skin texture is altered in Alopecia and retention from a Powder Brow tattoo is poor, requiring 3-4 monthly touch ups .

Microbladed tattoo retention is better - lasting 6-8 months before requiring touch ups .
Results vary and each client is different and can vary between 30% and 60%.

Microblading is a good place to start , and over time a more of a powder fill can be introduced by machine or Blade-and-shade-technique to encourage the skin to retain the implanted pigments for longer .

Step 2 takes place 4 -8 weeks after step 1. Delaying Step 2 is not wise .

6 monthly touch ups are required to keep the look fresh .
As time goes on these touch ups can become further apart depending on the pigment retention.

Clients with Alopecia

Due to the nature of the skin on clients with Alopecia, the experience to date has been the pigment retention is poorer with machine powder brows than with Embroidery. However to date, the retention with the unique hand tool that I use, has been considerably longer. Block brow by machine is not a service I offer, favouring the Embroidery technique, where each hair is drawn in, one by one giving a more natural look. Retention from client to client varies, however freshen up Colour Boosts could be as frequent as every 4- 6 months to keep the look fresh. .
Eyebrows are eyebrows, and the procedure is the same on all, once the measurements are done. However more frequent visits are required for the Alopecia client, irrespective of the pigment colour used.

Consultation is a good place to start .

Clients with Alopecia can claim 20% of our fees on .

Receipts issued at each visit.